May 28, 2008

Tarzan progression

A little video with all the stages of the Tarzan drawing:

Tarzan Progress

May 22, 2008


This is my Tarzan. I did a very rough sketch in paper, and then refined it in photoshop 'til I've got this: (click on the image to enlarge)
Well, I don't know if I'll continue to work on it. I already learned a lot with this one. Maybe I'll add a background or something... I'm also doing a "speed racer" painting, but I'll post that later when I get closer to finish it. Thanks everyone! Cheers!

May 8, 2008

Photoshop again!

Well, I know this is an animation blog... but, in my last non-animated post, I said that I would try something of my own. So, I took some inspiration from Bryan Ballinger and did this paint in photoshop from my own head. The character it's quite funny but this is due to Ballinger's great talent for funny drawings! It's such a great reference! Check his site out and you'll see!

And if you remove the lines, you get this: